In the captivating animated film La Sirène, exiled Iranian filmmaker Sepideh Farsi revisits her teenage years during the harrowing Iran-Iraq War. Set against the backdrop of the besieged port city of Abadan, on the brink of destruction, unfolds a story of hope and resilience, seen through the eyes of a fourteen-year-old boy and a large wooden ship.
Farsi’s vibrant 2D animation, blending magical realism with stark reality, captures the struggle between hope and despair. The film takes us back to 1980, a year after the Islamic Revolution, as Abadan, a crucial oil hub, comes under attack. Young Omid, in the midst of an innocent soccer game, is abruptly confronted with the brutal reality of war. As he takes over tasks from a hospitalized deliveryman, he discovers a traditional lenj, a ship that symbolizes potential salvation.
La Sirène marks Farsi’s first venture into animation, made possible by her unyielding creativity despite being persona non grata in Iran. Together with screenwriter Javad Djavahery, who also lived through the early years of the war, Farsi crafts a narrative reminiscent of the acclaimed Persepolis. The animation creates a buffer against the violence while conveying its emotional impact.
At the Berlin premiere, Djavahery highlighted the power of music over violence. The film’s evocative score, by Franco-Swiss trumpeter Erik Truffaz, blends Western and traditional Iranian music, enhancing the film’s themes. La Sirène also honors the unifying power of music through the character Elaleh, a banned diva who can no longer perform since the revolution.
La Sirène is a poignant and visually stunning film that transports you to a time of conflict, yet brims with hope and human resilience. Don’t miss this unique Belgian co-production, a film that illuminates the power of art and music even in the darkest times.
Utrecht & Amsterdam
August 19
Side Program
From 6:00 PM
Basecamp Utrecht
Art installations, bowling alley, and other amusements
There is plenty to experience on the festival grounds!
The festival grounds with a well-stocked bar and popcorn at Nijverheidsweg 16 open daily at 6:00 PM.
Film Program Open Air
From 9:30 PM
Basecamp Utrecht
We will announce this title soon.
Joseph Amenta | Canada | 87′
Three queer teenagers get swept up in the summer nightlife of Toronto. When a friend of the trio disappears, their friendship is put to the test.
The Silent Nightclub
After the screening
Silent Disco in the tent
Various DJs
August 23
Side Program
From 6:00 PM
Stenen Hoofd
Art installations, bowling alley, and other amusements
There is plenty to experience on the festival grounds!
The festival grounds at Stenen Hoofd open daily at 6:00 PM. Our bar offers an assortment of drinks, including Oedipus, and you can grab a bite at the food trucks. You can also enjoy art installations, a bowling alley, and various games. Beach chairs are available upon opening. On some evenings, we offer live music before the film starts.
Film Program Open Air
From 9:30 PM
We will announce this title soon.
Joseph Amenta | Canada | 87′
Three queer teenagers get swept up in the summer nightlife of Toronto. When a friend of the trio disappears, their friendship is put to the test.